Lincoln still loves the custom Strider bike that we got him for Christmas so much! On rainy or snowy days, he rips around the house on it and on sunny days he’s outside on it. His favorite thing to do is spin through mud puddles!
Recently, Lincoln had to undergo spinal surgery, so we had to put it away for a few weeks while he recovered. When we finally were able to give it back to him, it was like Christmas morning all over again!
He’s gotten really great at making longer strides and he is getting quicker and quicker. He loves that he can ride with his older brother.
We’re so grateful for all you did to create a custom bike that fits him perfectly in such a short amount of time. Other people have asked me where/how we got it and I’ve always sent them in your direction. I hope they followed through because it is by far the best gift we’ve given him. Thank you for making the world a more accessible place. I wish there were more companies with your inclusive approach.
If you or someone you know would benefit from an Adaptive Strider Bike please Contact Us!